Residential Area Lokschuppenareal Vohwinkel

Wuppertal, GER

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This design for the reactivation of the former Vohwinkel railway wasteland aims to create a future-proof, socially acceptable and sustainable residential neighbourhood. The urban development and landscape planning concept for the new neighbourhood is significantly influenced by the special location and the existing topographical features, which make a significant contribution to the identity of the area.

The concept develops naturally from the local structure, and the new buildings form a multifaceted interplay with the neighbouring districts through their scale and arrangement. The interplay of the newly created spaces, massing and height ratios results in a coherent overall concept with an identifying character for the future users of the area.

The central axis of the new area from west to east serves as a backbone for development and connection. It offers users a good and memorable orientation. The centrepiece of the new residential area is the neighbourhood square with its grove of trees and water feature, which stretches between the buildings and the "Lokschuppenpark" to the south.

The backfilling of the approx. 6-hectare planning area will be limited to the necessary extent, taking into account both economic and identity-creating aspects. The existing embankment with its lush vegetation will retain its function as a noise barrier, while at the same time ensuring adequate lighting.

The new neighbourhood is oriented towards the existing topography and the flow of cold air from east to west. In the north, adjacent to Nathrather Strasse and Homannstrasse, the "Tesche Höfe" are being created. Thanks to their moderate dimensions, open joints and generous green spaces, they harmoniously mediate between the new neighbourhood and the existing buildings to the north.

To the south of the "Tesche Höfe", point blocks with the neighbourhood square fit like a string of pearls into a natural green landscape. The daycare centre is integrated into two point blocks in the centre of the neighbourhood square. The "Lokschuppenpark", which serves as a local recreation area, forms the southern end.


The area previously used for industrial purposes is giving way to a green living and residential neighbourhood. The ‘urban axis’ as a shared space, which runs centrally through the neighbourhood from west to east, serves as a connecting point for open spaces and usage sections and creates a visual and route reference to the attractive open spaces and the spacious locomotive shed park.

The new residential neighbourhoods offer a variety of living arrangements such as building communities, micro-living, communal facilities on the ground floor, micro-gardens as well as assisted and traditional living, attractively arranged around residential courtyards. The gardens of the new residential courtyards contribute to the generous addition of the newly strengthened green belt with the new BuGa areas in the east and the connection to the north-western neighbourhoods. The roof surfaces of the buildings are activated (PV, retention, urban gardening) and are greened. All flats will have balconies or terraces with attractive views of the structured open spaces and the new park.


The planned uses require functional mobility. This means that access must be ensured for all mobility options, that there must be sufficient space for stationary traffic in suitable locations and that orientation in the neighbourhood must be intuitive and easy to understand.

The new neighbourhood is being developed as a low-car area in which shared space concepts are applied.

The connection to existing urban structures and the transport system plays a key role in the development of the new neighbourhood. The neighbourhood will be connected to the Nordbahntrasse, extending it by around 700 metres. This route creates a direct connection to Vohwinkel railway station and promotes networking with local public transport as well as cycling and pedestrian traffic.

In the west of the planning area, a versatile mobility cluster is being created together with Vohwinkel railway station and a new barrier-free entrance. The extension of the Nordbahntrasse and the creation of neighbourhood garages and mobility hubs in the west and east of the district will help to relieve congestion on the neighbouring roads. These mobility solutions reduce traffic congestion and promote the use of sustainable modes of transport such as car sharing, bike sharing and public transport. Mobility adapts to the urban structures and the needs of residents and visitors so that the low-traffic "Lokschuppenareal" becomes an attractive place for everyone.


The construction phases are divided into three parts. The "Lokschuppenpark" in the south of the planning area represents the public and permanent green space. The building sections for residential use and the temporary BuGa areas can be freely selected due to the flexible urban development concept: Both the ‘Tesche Höfe’ and the point buildings with neighbourhood square and daycare centre can form the first or second construction phase, depending on the usage requirements. This allows maximum flexibility for both the project development and the BuGa concept.


The new residential neighbourhood offers affordable living space for different phases of life and social groups. The housing mix includes various forms of housing, including barrier-free elements, to meet the needs of the population and the requirements of the Federal Horticultural Show (BuGa) 2031. Particular attention is being paid to energy-efficient and resource-conserving construction. The planned buildings are characterised by space-saving typologies that ensure optimal use of the site and economic viability of the project.


The development of the Lokschuppenpark and green and open spaces close to residential areas are central components of the design. The high-quality green and open space design enables multifunctional use and contributes significantly to the identity and quality of life of the new residential neighbourhood. After the BuGa 2031, the landscaped areas will become an integral part of the Vohwinkler urban and landscape space.

The urban design creates a closely interwoven network of interconnected open space typologies in an urban and landscape context. The open space concept skilfully combines urban uses, greening, biodiversity, rainwater management and recreation. This creates a sustainable neighbourhood that is characterised by accessibility and climate-adapted strategies. The neighbourhood square forms the urban heart of the new district. The open square area, with the neighbourhood grove and the opening to the south towards the Lokschuppenpark, offers a non-commercial attraction for the new area and provides space for a variety of forms of spending time and appropriation. A border of plants frames the retention pond, isolated groups of trees and free-flowing paths create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation - while at the same time inviting people to move and meet.


The concept provides for a variety of climate adaptation measures to protect the neighbourhood from the effects of heat, heavy rainfall and dry periods. The buildings are arranged in such a way that cold drains and cold air collection areas are maintained and thermal comfort is guaranteed both during the day and at night.

The extensive greening, including roof and façade areas, creates a pleasant microclimate and, in combination with rainwater management geared towards infiltration and retention, contributes to sustainable urban development. The surface drainage of the paved park paths takes place directly via the revitalised soil zone of the accompanying green areas. Square areas and roof surfaces of the neighbourhood are drained off decentrally either via accompanying infiltration troughs, tree infiltration trenches or infiltration trenches. The neighbouring green spaces are deepened to serve as temporary storage areas in case of need (heavy rainfall) and to ensure complete infiltration of the rainwater.

Retention basins, connected by grassed ditches and swales, store rainwater and return it to the natural water cycle via infiltration and evaporation. The alternately moist areas promote species-rich habitats, while green façades and roofs improve the microclimate.

The biotope areas of the landscape are preserved and integrated into the structure of the open space design. The multi-coding of the areas promotes the experience of nature, the understanding of nature and the equal coexistence of people and nature.

  • Location
    Wuppertal | GER
  • Year
  • Typology
    Residential Buildings, Urban Design, Educational Buildings
  • Status
  • Client
    Clees Unternehmensgruppe | City Wuppertal
  • Procedure Type
    Invitational, single-phase realisation competition | honorable mention
  • Team
    Roger Christ | Julia Christ | Desideria Aigner | David Lee Hunter | Caroline Stein
  • In collaboration with
    Hille Tesch Architekten+Stadtplaner PartGmbB, Ingelheim | AO Landschaftsarchitekten, Mainz
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