Residential building and daycare centre Kastel Housing

Wiesbaden, GER

Wohnbau Und Kindertagesstaette Kastel Housing Lead Image

The 12 ha Kastel Housing barracks complex is a former American military base and is to be developed by Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft (SEG) and Wiesbadener Wohnbaugesellschaft (GWW). As the first element of this development, a closed competition was held for a day care centre, two new residential buildings and the conversion of a barracks building for residential purposes.

The proposed competition entry comprises three buildings:

  • the construction of a mixed-use building with a day care centre on the ground floor and 20 subsidised apartments on 5 upper floors,
  • the construction of a family-friendly terraced house-style building concept with 21 subsidised apartments distributed over 5 floors
  • and the conversion of a barracks building with 4 spacious cluster apartments and 34 subsidised apartments distributed over 4 floors.

The buildings are grouped around an existing green space, as an important semi-public and public open space, and surround this south-western end as a “green courtyard”.

The new building for the day care centre occupies a special position in the urban planning, breaks away from the orthogonal structure of the courtyard and is seen as part of the green area. With its bent shape, the building reacts to the different buildings and open areas and thus blends optimally into the surrounding area. Due to its narrow façade towards Wiesbadener Strasse, the building acts as a tower-like point block and sends a clear signal.

In addition, the streamlined shape of the building guarantees lines of sight from Wiesbadener Strasse into the park. The ground floor ends in a ramp on the north-eastern side, creating a fluid connection between the park and the building. The ramp, the roof and the façade of the ground floor are to be planted, reinforcing the interrelationship between the building and the park. The ramp can also be used as a seating area, a stage for plays and talks, a sports area, a planting area and a chill-out zone.

Generally, the building – in spite of its relatively large size – has a streamlined and lightweight appearance due to the bent shape and narrow façades and fulfils its function as a link to the green space. This connecting character is reinforced by the wooden construction, which is also reflected by the materials of the façade.

The former barracks building and the planned terraced house-style new building provide a frame for the residential area towards the south and surround the adjacent park.

For the new building, 7 “terraced houses” or partitions are planned, which are brought together to form a single building and contain 21 family-friendly apartments.

Due to the depth of the building, cluster apartments are planned in the former accommodation quarters of the former barracks building, and apartments with 2 to 3 rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom are planned for the remaining the areas.


Due to the particular proximity to the Rhine, the use of geothermal energy is proposed for heating/cooling the buildings, incl. the creation of a so-called “cold local heating network”.

In contrast with heat supply via a classic district heating/local heating network with flow temperatures of 70 to 90°C, the “cold local heating network” is only operated with temperatures of approximately 5 to 25 °C. A water and glycol mixture (brine) circulates through the probe and supply lines and absorbs the temperature of the earth.

One or more central oil fields serve as the common heat source for supplying individual buildings. Connection to a central ring circuit system takes place via a separate distribution station. This supply network transports the energy that is obtained from the heat source to the local heat pump systems in the building services rooms of the respective buildings. It is possible to add/exploit additional heat source suppliers and/or consumers in a subsequent solution for the entire residential area.

  • Location
    Wiesbaden | GER
  • Year
  • Typology
    Residential Buildings, Educational Buildings
  • Status
  • Client
    SEG Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH and GWW Wiesbadener Wohnbaugesellschaft mbH
  • Floor Area
    5.834 m²
  • Procedure Type
  • Number of Apartments
  • Number of Parking Lots
  • Team
    Roger Christ I Julia Christ I Christiane Bolesta I Peter Steies I David Lee Hunter I Stefan Lebtag I Nicole Jöger
Wohnbau Und Kindertagesstaette Kastel Housing 02
Wohnbau Und Kindertagesstaette Kastel Housing 03
Wohnbau Und Kindertagesstaette Kastel Housing 01

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